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The following are pronouncements of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) that are scheduled to become effective for state and local governments in future reporting periods:
GASB Statement No. 91 – Conduit Debt Obligations
The primary objectives of this Statement are to provide a single method of reporting conduit debt obligations by issuers and eliminate diversity in practice associated with (1) commitments extended by issuers, (2) arrangements associated with conduit debt obligations, and (3) related note disclosures. This Statement achieves those objectives by clarifying the existing definition of a conduit debt obligation; establishing that a conduit debt obligation is not a liability of the issuer; establishing standards for accounting and financial reporting of additional commitments and voluntary commitments extended by issuers and arrangements associated with conduit debt obligations; and improving required note disclosures.
Effective Date
The requirements of this Statement are effective for reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2020. Earlier application is encouraged.
GASB Statement No. 92 – Omnibus 2020
The objectives of this Statement are to enhance comparability in accounting and financial reporting and to improve the consistency of authoritative literature by addressing practice issues that have been identified during implementation and application of certain GASB Statements. This Statement addresses a variety of topics and includes specific provisions about the following:
Effective Date
The requirements of this Statement are effective as follows:
Earlier application is encouraged and is permitted by topic.
GASB Statement No. 93 – Replacement of Interbank Offerred Rates
Some governments have entered into agreements in which variable payments made or received depend on an interbank offered rate (IBOR)—most notably, the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). As a result of global reference rate reform, LIBOR is expected to cease to exist in its current form at the end of 2021, prompting governments to amend or replace financial instruments for the purpose of replacing LIBOR with other reference rates, by either changing the reference rate or adding or changing fallback provisions related to the reference rate.
Effective Date
The removal of LIBOR as an appropriate benchmark interest rate is effective for reporting periods ending after December 31, 2021.
All other requirements of this Statement are effective for reporting periods beginning after June 15, 2020. Earlier application is encouraged.
GASB Statement No. 94 – Public-Public Partnerships and Availability Payment Arrangements
The primary objective of this Statement is to improve financial reporting by addressing issues related to public-private and public-public partnership arrangements (PPPs). As used in this Statement, a PPP is an arrangement in which a government (the transferor) contracts with an operator (a governmental or nongovernmental entity) to provide public services by conveying control of the right to operate or use a nonfinancial asset, such as infrastructure or other capital asset (the underlying PPP asset), for a period of time in an exchange or exchange-like transaction. Some PPPs meet the definition of a service concession arrangement (SCA), which the Board defines in this Statement as a PPP in which (1) the operator collects and is compensated by fees from third parties; (2) the transferor determines or has the ability to modify or approve which services the operator is required to provide, to whom the operator is required to provide the services, and the prices or rates that can be charged for the services; and (3) the transferor is entitled to significant residual interest in the service utility of the underlying PPP asset at the end of the arrangement.
This Statement also provides guidance for accounting and financial reporting for availability payment arrangements (APAs). As defined in this Statement, an APA is an arrangement in which a government compensates an operator for services that may include designing, constructing, financing, maintaining, or operating an underlying nonfinancial asset for a period of time in an exchange or exchange-like transaction.
Effective Date
The requirements of this Statement are effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2022, and all reporting periods thereafter. Earlier application is encouraged.
PPPs should be recognized and measured using the facts and circumstances that exist at the beginning of the period of implementation (or if applicable to earlier periods, the beginning of the earliest period restated).
GASB Statement No. 95 – Postponement of the Effective Dates of Certain Authoritative Guidance
The primary objective of this Statement is to provide temporary relief to governments and other stakeholders in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. That objective is accomplished by postponing the effective dates of certain provisions in Statements and Implementation Guides that first became effective or are scheduled to become effective for periods beginning after June 15, 2018, and later.
The effective dates of certain provisions contained in the following pronouncements are postponed by one year:
The effective dates of the following pronouncements are postponed by 18 months:
Earlier application of the provisions addressed in this Statement is encouraged and is permitted to the extent specified in each pronouncement as originally issued.
Effective Date
The requirements of this Statement are effective immediately.
GASB Statement No. 96 – Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements
This Statement provides guidance on the accounting and financial reporting for subscription-based information technology arrangements (SBITAs) for government end users (governments). This Statement (1) defines a SBITA; (2) establishes that a SBITA results in a right-to-use subscription asset—an intangible asset—and a corresponding subscription liability; (3) provides the capitalization criteria for outlays other than subscription payments, including implementation costs of a SBITA; and (4) requires note disclosures regarding a SBITA. To the extent relevant, the standards for SBITAs are based on the standards established in Statement No. 87, Leases, as amended.
Effective Date
The requirements of this Statement are effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2022, and all reporting periods thereafter. Earlier application is encouraged.
GASB Statement No. 97 – Certain Component Unit Criteria, and Accounting and Financial Reporting for Internal Revenue Code Section 457 Deferred Compensation Plans
The primary objectives of this Statement are to (1) increase consistency and comparability related to the reporting of fiduciary component units in circumstances in which a potential component unit does not have a governing board and the primary government performs the duties that a governing board typically would perform; (2) mitigate costs associated with the reporting of certain defined contribution pension plans, defined contribution other postemployment benefit (OPEB) plans, and employee benefit plans other than pension plans or OPEB plans (other employee benefit plans) as fiduciary component units in fiduciary fund financial statements; and (3) enhance the relevance, consistency, and comparability of the accounting and financial reporting for Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 457 deferred compensation plans (Section 457 plans) that meet the definition of a pension plan and for benefits provided through those plans.
Effective Date
The requirements of this Statement that (1) exempt primary governments that perform the duties that a governing board typically performs from treating the absence of a governing board the same as the appointment of a voting majority of a governing board in determining whether they are financially accountable for defined contribution pension plans, defined contribution OPEB plans, or other employee benefit plans and (2) limit the applicability of the financial burden criterion in paragraph 7 of Statement 84 to defined benefit pension plans and defined benefit OPEB plans that are administered through trusts that meet the criteria in paragraph 3 of Statement 67 or paragraph 3 of Statement 74, respectively, are effective immediately.
The requirements of this Statement that are related to the accounting and financial reporting for Section 457 plans are effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2021. For purposes of determining whether a primary government is financially accountable for a potential component unit, the requirements of this Statement that provide that for all other arrangements, the absence of a governing board be treated the same as the appointment of a voting majority of a governing board if the primary government performs the duties that a governing board typically would perform, are effective for reporting periods beginning after June 15, 2021. Earlier application of those requirements is encouraged and permitted by requirement as specified within this Statement.